Monica Boevéé-Spijkers
“Make Your Sh*t A H🎼t, by NDRS-DRVN-DNKN” .. is the slogan of one of the developed training sessions, for youth and adults.
Monica is both a teacher (with PO and VO qualification) and a therapist. Besides working in the field of training and teaching(education), Monica is a (hypno-)therapist and coach, with specialization: children, youth, young adults.
Combining all the knowledge and experience gained from both work areas results in surprising insights. Clients experience ‘being completely in their own power’, because they use control over their own lives in solving their ‘challenges’ (physical, mental, energetic, psychological).
Techniques that can be used for this: -Activating ‘Self-healing Capacity’; TFT and EFT (tapping); frequency therapy and energetic work; -adhesion therapy; -NLP; -social panorama (type of constellations); clearing.your.head (MatriX-Method, Ingrid Stoop); -I.learn.differently, visual thinking coach (method Agnes Oosterveen); -IEMT; -causes and insights via: Soul Causes of Illness/ Germanic Medicine.
Contact to make a no-obligation call appointment, to feel whether we are a therapeutic match.
Contact details:
Phone: 06-82244044